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RECOGNITION OF ASECNA EXPERTISE receives the «John Chapman Award»

RECOGNITION OF ASECNA EXPERTISE receives the «John Chapman Award»

Mr. Belinga Onana Jacques, an ASECNA expert, has received the « John Chapman Award ». The award was given during the Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium, which was held from 11 to 13 May 2016 in Seoul (South Korea). 

The « John Chapman Award » was instituted by ICAO in 2013 in order to reward the most accomplished expert each year. It bears the name of the late developer of the TRAINAIR Programme (which became later TRAINAIR Plus). The programme aims to economically and cost-effectively improve the safety and efficiency of worldwide air transport through the establishment and observance of high standards.

The «John Chapman Award » was given to Mr. Belinga in recognition of «his contribution to the development of the former TRAINAIR programme on the one hand and the new TRAINAIR PLUS programme on the other hand in both Francophone and Anglophone spaces» He is the first African to have received such an award.

Mister Belinga Onana Jacques is an Instructor at the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation (EAMAC). He is also the Head of Teaching Methods Unit, and an Expert in ICAO Training Developers Course (TDC). Besides he is a validator of the TRAINAIR Plus Standardized Training Package (STP).

Mr. Belinga was shortlisted out of sixteen world experts for his proven teaching skills demonstrated in coaching course developers and in the validation of Standardized Training Packages as well as in the qualification of course developers for the benefit of the world aeronautical community.

He has so far qualified three ICAO instructors: a TDC instructor for the Caribbean and two MRTD instructors from Canada and Mali respectively.

Mr. Belinga, in conjunction with the EAMAC team, has just developed and validated, on behalf of the ICAO Facilitation Section, a training package on controlling at the airports border points the authenticity and validity of travel documents – Level 1. This package is currently being translated into the remaining four ICAO official languages for its worldwide uptake.

After reviewing the Document 9941 - Training Development Guide and translating it into French language under the supervision of ICAO, M. Belinga was the first to train the developers in French language at EAMAC, thus enhancing the expansion of the Trainair Plus Programme in the francophone space.

At ASECNA level, Mr. Belinga validated the Standardized Training Packages of EAMAC, ERNAM and ERSI, which were approved by ICAO in 2012, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Today, the three ASECNA schools have become Full Members of the ICAO TRAINAIR Plus Programme.

In the past, he had even been given the Award of Excellence by EAMAC, during the 50th anniversary celebration of the school in 2013.

Au niveau continental, sur les six écoles africaines que M. BELINGA a amenées au programme TRAINAIR PLUS, quatre sont, à ce jour, des Centres Régionaux d’Excellence OACI : l’EAMAC, l’Ethiopian Ailines Academy d’Ethiopie, l’Académie Internationale de l’Aviation Civile (AIAC) Mohammed VI du Maroc et l’Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) Academy d’Afrique du Sud.

Le « Prix John CHAPMAN » a été créé pour récompenser chaque année le meilleur expert du Programme Trainair Plus. Pour être primé, l’expert doit prouver avoir formé partout dans le monde le plus grand nombre de concepteurs de cours TRAINAIR plus, avoir validé le maximum de mallettes pédagogiques et avoir conduit les écoles au statut de Full member Trainair Plus et de Centre régional d’excellence OACI (ICAO /RTCE). Il doit en outre qualifier le maximum de concepteurs de cours et d’instructeurs OACI.

This prestigious distinction conferred on the expert, pays testament to ASECNA expertise, which has once again been acknowledged and crowned by ICAO.

Au cours du même symposium, deux Ecoles de l’ASECNA, l’ERNAM et l’ERSI, ont vu leur statut de Full member Trainair plus renouvelé jusqu’en 2018. Le statut de Centre Régional d’Excellence OACI (ICAO RTCE) de l’EAMAC a été également renouvelé jusqu’à la même date.


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